Fever dream
on March 24, 2021
Dimension: 1242 x 1254
File Size: 708.27 Kb
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Fever dream
To them its deadly serious... most have been programed from a young age to fear eternal damnation by a not so loving god thats always watching them. Its a shame.
Like March 24, 2021
I grew up as a roman catholic and spent alot of time at home alone cause my parents were work savages......I always enjoyed the conversations.......even as a kid and someone come to the door preaching something new was entertainment. I get caught up into peoples views on life it's why I stay away fr... View More
Like March 25, 2021
Fever dream
I grew up catholic as well. Lol look at me meow.
Like March 25, 2021
I dont like it when people come to my door and bother me, but I will say that a friend of mine was painting the inside of their house when some folks came to the door. They offered to help paint and spent the whole day working. They talked about religion but also about a lot of other things. In the ... View More
Like March 25, 2021