on March 11, 2021
Im pretty new when it corms to shrooms ive tried loloking everywhere.. the shrooms that grow from wook is what intook this lictufe if.... any lick??? do these have and magical wuakities like psyllicibin ? Poisonis ?? Ediblel?? Any advice? Please dont be uoset. I just need some gelp and idk who to ask :/
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 9.38 Mb
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Those look like false turkey tail to me...
Like March 11, 2021
If you're not skilled in mushroom identification you shouldn't eat anything you find in the woods. And for God's sake, don't just go eating something some stranger on the net tells you is safe to eat. Some mushrooms will feed you physically, some mushrooms will feed you mentally, some mushrooms will... View More
Like March 11, 2021