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Please believe me when i am not trying to source in any wag... but i wsnted to see if snyone makes mgi al mushroom grow kits. Its legal if it isnt blooming hrijgntranslortrjon. The spore yringe or ori... View More
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If you're in the USA, only spores are legal. They can be purchased online but are for studying under a microscope only.
Like March 11, 2021
Im pretty new when it corms to shrooms ive tried loloking everywhere.. the shrooms that grow from wook is what intook this lictufe if.... any lick??? do these have and magical wuakities like psyllic... View More
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Those look like false turkey tail to me...
Like March 11, 2021
If you're not skilled in mushroom identification you shouldn't eat anything you find in the woods. And for God's sake, don't just go eating something some stranger on the net tells you is safe to eat. Some mushrooms will feed you physically, some mushrooms will feed you mentally, some mushrooms will... View More
Like March 11, 2021
Has anyone else seen anything close to this ?? Thought this was amazing... so i put it as my wallpaper on my phone
11 people like this.
This is the lock screen on all my devices lol I havent seen anything just like this, but the vibes scream dmt to me.
Like February 24, 2021
I handed my phone to a 2 year old kid to make him happy, this turned on and he stared at it intensely for like 5 mins. Every time it would dim, he would touch the screen again
Like February 24, 2021
frogapodamus_art Wow thanks so much! Im going on instagram right now lol. I cant believe i finally found out who this was! Woo hoo ! 1f642.png thanks anmillion !
Like February 24, 2021 Edited
GJ Miles Montego
Yes, alex grey is pretty awesome too☮️
Like February 28, 2021
shared a few photos
Drawing/Doodling on lsd . Having some fun , dabbling with art.
10 people like this.
Trippy drawing is fun, the best is when you go with the flow and becomes almost like the mac miller album cover faces
Like February 25, 2021 Edited
My kind of luck..
5 people like this.
Once I was on a train on the way home from an event. I was coming down off of a few spiderman paper tabs and few e pills. I met a man who beatboxed into a harmonica while he played a keyboard. Then there was another man that ripped off a poster in the subway station, and started scribbling while ... View More
Like February 25, 2021
I know im not the only one...
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