on March 9, 2021
Can some one tell me what the f*ck just grew in my AA+ monotub? It was completly white when I took it out. The color is blue bruising. Looks like a leucistic truffle haha or like a cluster of oyster mushrooms.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 6.72 Mb
11 people like this.
Id try to make that into a petre dish so you can try to make more. But yes you can eat just alot more potient
Like March 9, 2021
Thanks a lot! Mush luv and stay chubby
Like March 9, 2021
Lucky charms
Was this on the side or on top Might not be a bad idea to clone as mentioned above
Like March 9, 2021
Thanks my friends. I just spotted another one growing on the side. I‘ll try to clone it
Like March 11, 2021