on February 28, 2021
I recently saw a great review by sobelow (thank you for sharing!) for Mighty Eagle's Screamin' Smoke Blend, which I really appreciated as I've been wanting to try smokeable teas, but didn't know how/where to find a good vendor. Now, I'd like to share my experience with this wonderful product for anyone who may be thinking of trying- I got it about a week ago, and have been enjoying it very much! It has a lovely scent, beautiful flavor, and I feel a wonderful wave of mellowness after just a few hits. It's great on it's own, or mixed with cannabis. It's also much smoother than I expected. Delivery was quick, and ordering was easy. I plan to try it as tea looks absolutey delicous! Thank you for creating this marvelous product MightyEagle!
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25 people like this.
MightyEagle appreciate you for making such a fine quality product!
Like February 28, 2021
I tried it as tea tonight - it's wonderfully relaxing, and has a lovely flavor! Definitely recommend!
Like March 1, 2021
Like March 1, 2021
Life is chaos for sure, and that makes us all appreciate things like your lovely blend of mellowness all the more. Thanks for promoting peaceful easy feelings (see what I did there1f60f.png1f601.png), my friend! Looking forward to seeing your creations MightyEagle - sounds like y'all have some exciting things in the ... View More
Like March 2, 2021