on February 6, 2021
I’ve tried practically every well known drug (and many obscure ones) from all classes of drugs over the years and I will tell you what I have learned. The ultimate high, is the high you receive from meditating to the point to which you are constantly in a permanent state of meditation. The Buddhists call it bliss (this is not to be confused with “nirvana”) and Christians call it the holt spirit, whatever it is, it is real. A year ago after I cold turkeyed from 12mg of suboxone, I began to meditate every opportunity I had in my spare time (this ended up totaling 5-8 hours a day, on many days of the week) and while at work, I would look at everyone as god and remained ever so focused on the present. This resulted in many strange effects on my body and mind, here’s a list of some.
I began to sleep A LOT LESS. 5 hours of sleep and I would wake up with unlimited amounts of energy, which I’ve never in my life had. Ever since I was a kid, I could sleep 9 hours and still feel groggy waking up.
My mind became blank. Think of how when you trip on psychedelics and feel that blissful “oneness” and your own egoic thoughts vanish. I could never in my life shut my mind off, but I gained the ability to literally silence my mind at will. It was miraculous to me. Depression? Anxiety? Don’t know them anymore.
My meditative experiences also yielded moments that were VERY reminiscent of DMT. My body would vibrate randomly at times and I would become engulfed in this amazing euphoria. Nearly astral projected WHILE meditating a few times.
lastly, Earth became heaven. Everything made sense and the veil was lifted, nothing in life truly mattered and that feeling of bliss was all I wanted (hence my meditation of 5-8 hours daily). I would begin to do things like fast for days at a time with only tea and water (very blissful. After my 2nd day, I would feel more energized than I did a few days prior. Borderline high), take freezing cold showers to raise my tolerance to the external (discomfort opens doors, if you get what I mean), and I at times would experience many strange, but amazing happenings.
Unfortunately, just because you might advance along the path, doesn’t mean you can’t fall backwards again. I had 2 concussions last year (1st was due to me standing up and doing the wim Hof breathing method, began to vibrate hard, and then fell straight back to the floor. Second was drug related) which made my practice extremely difficult and gradually allowed me to sink back in to my old ways.
What’s my point? Meditation and remaining in a state of presence/lack of desire WILL eventually pave for a blissful existence that is not fleeting like drugs are. Addiction is a supreme attachment and just for the record, do not set any expectations of what will happen when you meditate/engage in sadhana (spiritual work), the bliss will come eventually, but it will NEVER come if you are expecting it and/or expecting it quickly. I do promise this however, meditate for at least 2-4 hours a day and fast when possible, miracles will happen and perhaps, maybe you too will attain the supreme high that you will not “come down” from. Psychedelics allow you access the realm of the Buddha and Christ (consciously speaking), but why not become them instead? (Paraphrased from Ram Dass)
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