on February 2, 2021
Yes.....I resemble this.
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CaLi Uso
Any True Christian knows not to Judge others, and to never force their beliefs onto anyone else. Being Christian doesn’t make us ‘better’ than anyone, it simply means we understand we have a purpose in life... and we must Repent for Salvation. We were all born sinners. To keep it 100... Even Jesus h... View More
Like February 5, 2021 Edited
There is no such thing as a true christian because of the contradictions found in the bible. For every verse that says you mustn't judge there are verses to say you must judge. "You must knock the dust off your sandles and have nothing to do with unbelievers" " lightness cannot be yoked with darknes... View More
Like February 5, 2021
CaLi Uso
@Fnord please stop with the foolishness. Modern day artifacts can prove that the great floods of Noah and many other stories of the Bible hold true. Science has proven Noahs flood to be true. Egypt contains the oldest testiments to modern day civilizations that still havent been unearthed.... contin... View More
Like February 6, 2021 Edited
Wow I am blown away by this so you believe that it's whatever one believe in. So I don't have to throw down on your alter to live forever. I hope you are right all religion should coexist.
Like February 13, 2021