on January 18, 2021
Jelly Tart =(project 13 × grape cream pie)
Project 13 =(papaya × purple punch) × (thin mints × mac)
Grape cream pie =(ice cream cake × grape wedding crasher)
Dimension: 4032 x 1960
File Size: 2.76 Mb
6 people like this.
Looks nice.... but Stop it! (Im on a forced break). Had three nugs since last year! Lemon amnesia, Amnesia x Oldtimes and Psychosis.
Like January 18, 2021 Edited
Flavor is really nice. The grape cream pie is amazing too. Super sweet grape flavor but gassy af. Really nice! The grape pie is so sweet it taste like your smoking candy lol. The cherry pie smells like a strong sweet tart i wanna say. And every now and then you come across the most amazing looking s... View More
Like January 18, 2021
You work at a dispensary bruh? You're always posting pics that make my mouth water! Im in CO rarely make it out to Denver. Where should I go next time? Kind Love has been my go-to for years.
Like January 18, 2021
Like January 18, 2021