on January 11, 2021
Its a 9 and not a 5 on the end. Still i will take it. Blue meanie
Dimension: 2448 x 3264
File Size: 1.67 Mb
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No, just means its very active, the bluer the better in my experience.
Like January 11, 2021
The blueness is just psilocin oxidizing from the air, doesn't affect whether it can grow or not. The more blue the better because that means more Psilocin content. Mush luv
Like January 11, 2021
But psilocin doesn’t survive the dehydration process, right? Or is this also an indication of psilocybin leveL?
Like January 11, 2021
When Psilocin is Oxidizing, it turns into the more stable version of itself; Psilocybin. The actual active chemical thats responsible for making us "trip" is Psilocin. Psilocin is not stable enough to survive high heat, light, or even air. Our body turns Psilocybin into Psilocin when we consume the ... View More
Like January 11, 2021