on January 7, 2021
Does anyone know why some of my jars start out strong but then they eventually just stunt and dont progress
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Capitano Sours
I have grains that came from north spore in a bag that have been stalling for over a month in these same type of myc clumps.. the bag smelled sour after a couple weeks after innoculating and the grains seemed kinda dry.. about 2 weeks ago i pulled it from the rest of my grains and just left it alone... View More
Like January 12, 2021
Usually a shake up does the trick for me. Make sure you have some gas exchange
Like January 12, 2021
@psilyduncan the moisture content is most likely the problem my jars all have an injection port and a hole with micropore tape but should probably just switch it to 2 air holes since I pretty much only work with agar now.
Like January 12, 2021
I had a bag with a myc brick in the center that i broke up and put away. It made no progress over the next, looked like a loss. I shook it again and layed it out on its side less packed and the myc took over again in 2days. Maybe gas exchange.
Like January 12, 2021