on January 1, 2021
Gave all my co workers lsd and mushroom chocolates for the new year's. All ive had was thankyou for relieving us from the past and how great they were feeling. I myself ate the last of my chocolates and now making a fresh batch . Thats 35 grams in 15 chocolates. The perfect mix. Chocolates taste delicious and about 2 gs in each of wild pick ringers. Happy new year too all
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Also, that's lovely of you to do! Haha it's also lovely you're actually able to share your craft with so many people without the worry of getting narc'd on, keep spreading that love my friend. There's a few people who have never had mushrooms who I'd love to give a small bit to if they were only a l... View More
Like January 2, 2021
Read recipe on package just add loweder shrooms double boil put in silicone ice trey put in freezer. Delicious chocolates
Like January 2, 2021
I bought cacao nibs today. I didnt know they were ground beans so they wont work. still tasty lol
Like January 3, 2021
i wanna be ur friend though 1f609.png
Like January 3, 2021