on December 21, 2020
Ive tried multiple grains and popcorn has seemed to work best for me, I usually add used coffee grounds just to add some extra nutrients. I see a lot of people using light malt extract powder for agar and for liquid culture so I decided to add some to the popcorns water. Does anyone know how it will effect the popcorn?
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Good analogy, it makes sense why it wouldn’t be beneficial but too late now, let’s see how these compare to my other batch.
Like December 23, 2020
How did it compare?
Like December 30, 2020
I used grain water right after this post and it seems to me thaf everything came to a standstill. Rhyzo growth nearly stopped and it all went tomatose, as if it was so sweet that it didnt have to go anywhere
Like December 30, 2020
I haven’t been able to transfer any agar to them yet just waiting on the agar. Although my Louisianna louistics completely halted just with regular coffee grounds and popcorn.
Like December 31, 2020