on December 2, 2020
Fred made an appearance and Bert had a spore drop. It's been quite the morning!
Turns out, their spores are my favorite color...purple. I think it was meant to be.
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15 people like this.
How are you going to eat these poor things now that you have named them. being fruits i think they should be feminine names. Seen three photos of your mushroom now, feels like i am getting to know them. I gather its your first grow but what have you done, golden teachers on a brf cake fruited in a m... View More
Like December 3, 2020
I'll probably eat them with peanut butter on toast. Lol For some reason, the masculine names just seemed to be a good fit for those guys. They were fruited on a cake that formed from just brown rice and coffee (I kind of combined the Poor Boy and BRF tekS). It was just one cake that I was experiment... View More
Like December 3, 2020
I'm such a noob im not even sure if you are joking or serious about having a peanut butter and ernie sandwich. Some nice results for using a mish mash of teks on your first experimental efforts, and the 2L bottle so fits your "crafty" name. I'll be looking out for a future post to see if you get a s... View More
Like December 3, 2020
Thank you for following along with them and the kind words! Sorry if I seemed snarky with the PB Sandwich idea but I did try them with peanut butter on toast and they were pretty tasty. 1f642.png I have the cake in water now and am hoping for another flush. I definitely found some things I need to change up ... View More
Like December 4, 2020