on November 29, 2020
Saw this pic and freaked out because this is what RA or Yahweh Really looks like. Sounds fantastic but these Reptilians are Shape shifters. Whoever created this pic saw what I saw. These are the bobblehead grey's masters. The ones ancient people called "Lords" and our enslavers into this frequency band. Nag Hammadi Library calls them the Archons and in Islam they are called the JINN.
David Icke talks about them as well... In China Emporers claim the right to rule the people because of being decendants. Egypt the Pharaohs and Aristocracy claims by bloodlines be Thier children on Earth. We don't see them because our minds have been nerfed. Our DNA had been tampered with at the Tower of Babel incident. Psychics can see them and DMT can unlock our blindness to the world outside our "normal".
I saw video by david icke discussing the Nag Hammadi Library and the Gnostic teachings and these are the Archons or Demiurge. I'm sharing this because someone else may encounter them if they drop thier disguise..I'm sharing what I know. We are on a Prison Planet and these things are our enslavers. It's a hard pill to swallow even harder to make sense out of but it's True.
The bobblehead grey's work for these deities... Human abduction and kidnapping is real especially with children.
From what I can make sense of is their really is a war in the heavens and we've been captured...our souls have been encased into physical plane. We have all lived and died before.. we're in a reincarnation the process these parasites harvest our's Thier FOOD.
Whenever a person gets close to waking up and realizing we're in a soul trap...the gatekeepers will make do everything make you feel insane alone or confused. Anything and Everything to keep your awareness locked into this frequency band.
I'm sharing this because I did not know human history with these things. Seems the Gnostic knew God of the Old Testament was a Demon. Required Blood coincidence they are carnivores and we are thier food. Truth is stranger then Fiction and doesn't require your agreement. I couldn't believe non of this either...taken me months just to wrap my head around all this... I'm sharing this not change anyone's mind but see if anyone else has seen the Reptilians. It's really not that mystical...they exist outside our conscious observation but our subconscious can detect them... aka "gut feeling".
If your interested in learning more about them David Icke has presentation on David icke dot com or on Bitchute lecture on Who built the Moon. Alot of strange anomaly's of nuclear waste compounds found in lunar soil. The rabbit hole runs deep but definitely worth gathering all the facts before reflexing rejection.
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AwakenedFate I'm so glad you've got the whole thing figured out
Like December 4, 2020
@tradistionalist Man if I had it all figured out I'd be dead. Nobody alive here knows..once you do your asta la vista I should add that doesn't negate trusting your intuition and gut feeling... always follow your Heart. Only regrets you'll ever have in life is crossing your heart. The reason I say... View More
Like December 5, 2020 Edited
Been thinking bout this a lot - reading "Flying Serpents & Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past." By RA much we must understand & relearn/accept.
Like December 7, 2020
How cool is that?... I just bought that book at a used book store last week And haven't read it yet but I'm planning on too...then saw your reference to it now. Idk if subliminal or intuitive but I honestly don't remember looking for this exact book but when I was browsing it seemed... View More
Like February 21, 2021