on November 24, 2020
Dear , today I got your love letter. I am really really excited!! Sure I could have bought some online, but I have been here long enough to appreciate the priceless power of a gift. Im starting with these this weekend. I will keep you posted on my microscopy progress. Thank you again dear friend and mush love!!!
Dimension: 4000 x 3000
File Size: 2.05 Mb
13 people like this.
So glad your received this one, thats the BHT spore print. Enjoy my friend. Thats made my day
Like November 24, 2020 Edited
Eddy V
BHT? Bolivian Hot Tamale?
Like November 24, 2020
Bah Hau Thanon , strain from one of the Thai islands
Like November 24, 2020
Eddy V
Oh... I was close though!
Like November 24, 2020