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Can lsd or ketamine show on a drug test?
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Also the spinal tap thing is also misinformation. You process LSD pretty quick. After your first urine while tripping most of it has left your system. Ketamine can cause a false positive for PCP as well as be tested for on it's own. It's clearance is still pretty quick. Drug tests basically test to ... View More
Like July 25, 2019
Ketamine is related to PCP. Both are disassociative anesthetics so Ketamine will probably show on standard drug test as PCP.
Like July 25, 2019
They do mouth swabs here(saliva) just wanted to make sure. Thanks for all the help.
Like July 25, 2019
All depends on what type of test bro.. they usually give you an information sheet before you take the test.. but by then its sometimes too late.. best way to avoid disappointment is to thoroughly research elimination times and tips to speed up metabolism..
Like July 25, 2019 Edited
Anyone done ketamine? Let’s hear experiences.
5 people like this.
i love it! lived another persons life with it haha. he was my complete opposite haha
Like July 24, 2019
Ketamine is my favorite... I love to break threshold. I've had conversations with the divine before. Being that's a disassociative it makes for a really wild trip sometimes. Straight scared the shot out of me the first time. Lol
Like July 24, 2019
My favorite trio is K,L and n2o ♡ good luck be safe and remember to have a sober person around. At least til you get the hang of it.
Like July 24, 2019
I have a trip sitter. But I don’t know if I like the feeling of having no control of my body and not knowing what I’m doing. But stay tuned I’m doing it next weekend and I’ll keep you all informed lol
Like July 24, 2019
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