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Does anyone else have a hard time getting any effect out of delta 8 bud? I have no issues with carts, but flower? Nothing... unless I smoke a whole bowl or two.
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Notice how on delta 8 bud it says some shit like "500"mg delta 8 or whatever well if you get 3.5 grams of bud that means only a half gram is in the bud. I switched to just carts after finding that out. Its a rip off really
Like November 16, 2021
Yeah the flower isn't the best option for me. I've had better luck with D8 carts and dabs. Anything with a high concentration of D8 will work best.
Like November 16, 2021
Ugh i figured it was something like that. Hate that the legal loopholes are forcing people to use carts over flower. They bitch about it not being researched enough and the health effects not being explored enough - but we know enough of both vape products and weed to know vape products are BAD and ... View More
Like November 16, 2021