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Male. Lives in United States. Born on October 14, 1989. Is married.
About Me
Hello, i'm Dave. I am here to participate in this shared conscious projected hallucination with you.... View More
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Hey everyone, i have a question and wasnt sure where else to bring it. So lets take a scenario of breastfeeding.
Alcohol vs Psychedelics (specifically acid)
The rule for breastfeeding after alcohol is l... View More

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Also, the status of my inteligence: i looked up endocrine system and its what i meant, but it has nothing to do with blood #halp
Like January 15, 2020
I wouldnt recommend both, but the breakdown of LSD-25 cannot be compared to the breakdown of alcohol since LSD-25 isnt broken down by the liver if im correct
Like January 16, 2020