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Lives in Newburgh, United States. Is married.
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Hey now.. Stoner for 25 years. Ate tons of shrooms and some LSD back in the day. Suffering from RA, ... View More
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
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Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Entheogens and God
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Spirituality » Religion
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Psychedelics for mental health
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The Nature of Reality
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Psychology and Philosophy
Hey there. I just did 30 day clean and sober. Doing a Christian 12 step program right now. Trying to deal with depression and anger along with some obsessive thoughts. Not looking to be sober forever,... View More
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Sobriety is great. Don’t really agree with the whole 12 step program thing, but if it’s providing you with a structure and support you need, then more power to you. Just don’t let them convince you that your addiction is a permanent part of your identity. You aren’t an addict/alcoholic, you’re a per... View More
Like August 10, 2019
Another thing: You aren’t “powerless over your addiction,” and you don’t need to “hand control over to a higher power” in order to get better. You can ask for help and guidance from various benevolent deities, spirits, etc. (I’ve met them), and you can be harassed and oppressed by demonic/malevolent... View More
Like August 10, 2019
I been through rehab several times I dont regret it one bit although I'm not so sure 9f the religious approach. I had great success with the cognitive behavioral therapy approach that they offer at Pine Lodge in Indian Head Saskatchewan.
Like August 10, 2019
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