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Male. Born on May 18, 1995.
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Music and Audio
I cant ever seem to scale out dmt sad.gif
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Joey Green
A $30 milligram scale with some calm patience and a steady hand ..... will reliably get you within 2 or 3 milligrams of your desired goal. Trick to using these scales reliably is to not use the "tare" function and instead use something like a tiny "weighing boat" and mathematically deduct the weigh... View More
Like September 20, 2020
Thank you bro appreciate that
Like September 21, 2020
Edward Scissorhands
I noticed the same thing regarding the tare.
Like September 21, 2020
Wassup guys
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Hello beautiful people
For some reason the app is not working on my phone anyone having this problem or could help me figure it out?
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Mush love
I had issues on my note 10 a week or two ago
Like June 23, 2020
Oh alright. Thought it was just me I even got a new password lol
Like June 23, 2020
Ever since my last shroom trip i cant listen to pop smoke the same my brother was playing it back to back on youtube and all my brother kept saying was that pop smoked is a motherfucker, that he escap... View More
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When i had my first trip and my most intense one my friend played kali uchis for like 5 hrs str8 of the same songs and now shes burned into my brain
Like April 8, 2020
Every time the bootsy collins would come i would be like oh shit bootsy
Like April 8, 2020
Yeah man his music had everybody hyped bro. He was like the new generation of 50 cent and that quick he got in the game he got killed, sadly.
Like April 8, 2020
I understand how you feel cause everytime i hear his music now im like ohh shit here he go LMFAOOO! I feel you 100 percent on that TheNewBatch xD
Like April 8, 2020
Call me crazy but after mt trip last night on shrooms i feel like we are controlled by aliens
14 people like this.
I think i have lions mane its a jar and they come in capsules?
Like April 2, 2020
I met some aliens the other night, oh yea theres alieans alright.
Like April 2, 2020
Like April 2, 2020
The mushrooms are the intelligent alien life forms.
Like April 2, 2020
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