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Status Update

Has anyone smoked dmt while on am antidepressant?..I guess they don't mix?
2 people like this.
I fortunately don't take any benzos just prozac and I take it of course because of depression and it's one of those things i just take everyday..I can't believe it didnt cross my mind until the morning of.ugh,but I will prob be weaning myself from the prozac because my doctor knows it works well for... View More
Like February 1, 2020
Hopefully you wont need it aftwr the dmt talk to peoole here about microdosing mushrooms plenty of info auper easy to cultivate on your own AllisOne i believe you might be able to chime in as far as microdosing for depression
Like February 1, 2020
And wening off your meds
Like February 1, 2020
Cool..thank you for the suggestions ..much appreciated.
Like February 1, 2020