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Mycology » Psilocybin

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Jo Jo
Viewpoints on tripping by yourself? I've been wanting to take mushrooms in the woods alone. All of my friends advise me not too, because it's possible to have a bad trip. Any thoughts?
8 people like this.
If ur a noob psychonaut then choose the comfort of ur home, its definately a nother universe while on some kind of substance
Like August 22, 2019
Id say it depends on your confidence with the drug. Expierence is and the dosage counts. Im not sure if id do it with shrooms as I havent done proper doses, but id feel confident on 120 ug of acid not to do something crazy but be able to go deep enough. Trust your intuition.
Like August 22, 2019
T rex ophora
You do you, and let others opinions of how you connect with entheogens slide off like a silk blanket.... letting other people determine your set and setting is a recipe for disaster. Listen to yourself and do what feels right for you. Alone, with others, indoor, outdoors, cold, hot, ect.... they a... View More
Like August 22, 2019 Edited
The Mushroom Man
One of the best trips I've ever had was solo. But I've also had terrible trips where I was glad to have somebody
Like August 22, 2019