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Male. Lives in United Kingdom.
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Happy easter weekend brothers and sisters. Only having tried ayahuasca before last week, i gave mushrooms a try. Took 3g GT, and basically felt pangs of anxiety, had zero visuals, and had inner conver... View More
3 people like this.
Were you microdosing during the week before or after the 3g experience? If it was before the 3g may have had less of an effect due to tolerance levels created by the microdosing, but if you were microdosing after I'm not sure.
Like April 2, 2021 Edited
I have anxiety every day, but the mushroom come up always triggers my anxiety. Normally that goes away after the come up. I’ve only noticed this while microdosing when my dose hits me harder than expected. 99% of the time while microdosing I do not struggle with this. I don’t think the type of trip ... View More
Like April 2, 2021
Also, after my first DMT trip I got a little gun shy with other substances for awhile. As I would smoke weed or eat some mushrooms I would experience anxiety with a slight dread of ending up in the DMT realm. Once I fully integrated my DMT experience this fear went away. It is almost as if my body/s... View More
Like April 2, 2021
Thank you for your incredibly thoughtful and insightful replies. I really appreciate them. Whilst my aya journey was bloody incredible, there were also parts that were terrifying, so perhaps there was a part of me that was afraid to go back to that. Perhaps i went in with too many preconceptions and... View More
Like April 2, 2021 Edited