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by on February 10, 2021
So I’m going to start with my second trip of the night I gotten home from my Super Bowl birthday from my moms took care of the dog got her to bed packed the yocan about 35 mg put on some music played some Meso American Iowa ayahuasca music and took a small breath held it for 30 seconds felt the strong body vibration went to take my second breath about a 7 second draw again held for 30 seconds then geometrical fractals appeared and very meso American Mayan Aztec in the Architect and then Fractli...
148 views 6 likes
by on December 30, 2020
5meo-dmt accessed threw meditation so I have never done 5meo so I truly don’t know if this was the same but I feel confident enough it was I was struggling mentally and decided to meditate I did a meditation guided to Metatron the arch angle I was doing breath work in and out rapidly I started feeling a tingling sensation in my toes and slowly moved up my body eventually I felt it in my crown chakra and that’s when it happened I was blasted off and absorbed by a white light I became one with ev...
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by on December 22, 2020
Dosage .15 same as yesterday been about an hour into taken them but I already feel my third eye awake and new neurons firing and connecting it’s interesting i don’t feel high or anything like that and unlike lsd micro dosing I usually aim around 10 ug this feel like it’s helping my bio polar stay non existent especially Since I’ve been in a bad manic episode last week that was still going on but yay I’m not manic today or at least so far and I had a great day at work last night I’m sure the micr...
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