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Wanna get to know each other in a fun way? We've all come up with some pretty interesting names for our selves. Some of them are personal with stories behind them, some o

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Makawee-Maka is a combination of 2 Lakota words which loosely translate to motherly earth spirit. I adore nature and all of her children, to a fault. When I love something I have an urge to protect it... View More
6 people like this.
Sadly no. I've considered it, but I wouldn't know how to get in. I think you have to go for school or skilled work or something like that.
Like May 23, 2022
Depends on where you're from I think, I'm not sure how immigration works but I feel like it might be easier for US citizens to move over... But not entirely sure. If you want to be a nurses aide, it's only a 1 year program (or 2 if you go through the workplace program) and we have a PILE of need for... View More
Like May 23, 2022
I'll keep that in mind C:
Like May 23, 2022
Oh i love that! Such a beautiful name.
Like June 5, 2022