Group Info

Wanna get to know each other in a fun way? We've all come up with some pretty interesting names for our selves. Some of them are personal with stories behind them, some o

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was Feeling amused
in the late 80s one of my close friends had the same first name as me . Oh how he hated everyone calling him little j
I disturbed a nest of baby rats decades ago and bottled raised the two that survived. They lived for 4 1/2 years, quite a long time for rats. My girls tought me a lot over the years and i continued to... View More
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They are hugely wonderful. I hope im able to rescue more when my health is better.
Like June 9, 2022
Like June 9, 2022
Like June 9, 2022
Rosey and Isabella back in 2010
Like June 9, 2022
Makawee-Maka is a combination of 2 Lakota words which loosely translate to motherly earth spirit. I adore nature and all of her children, to a fault. When I love something I have an urge to protect it... View More
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Sadly no. I've considered it, but I wouldn't know how to get in. I think you have to go for school or skilled work or something like that.
Like May 23, 2022
Depends on where you're from I think, I'm not sure how immigration works but I feel like it might be easier for US citizens to move over... But not entirely sure. If you want to be a nurses aide, it's only a 1 year program (or 2 if you go through the workplace program) and we have a PILE of need for... View More
Like May 23, 2022
I'll keep that in mind C:
Like May 23, 2022
Oh i love that! Such a beautiful name.
Like June 5, 2022
Good Morning I opened this group up to public because we have so many new people I would like to know about some of your profile names where did they come from or why they resonate with View More
Morning lovely folks,
I used to go to school for computer science (2011)… i couldnt figure out why i was getting bash syntax error (what seemed to be few days worth). 3’s has been a thing for me for a... View More

Fever dream
Mines pretty easy… have you ever had a fever so high you started hallucinating? It use to happen to me when i was young. The dreams i would have then were really instense and vivid. Plus i though fev... View More
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Lmaoo that's pretty dope
Like August 20, 2021
Man, I dont know if i've ever really shared this before. I made up the group and i dont think i ever really typed it all out. This is pretty personal but ok.
Back nearing the end of 2018 my step fathe... View More

SheesCrafty = She's Crafty ... So, basically I'm crafty and I like the Beastie Boys song. I used the double ee in Shees cause when I first came up with it like 10 years ago, someone already had the co... View More
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i remember that song!
Like January 3, 2021
AbstractHue-man72, I have had many personas I identified with until this journey. I am as yet, undefined Hue(light)(wo)man(BEing), born in the year 1972.
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I wanna change mines to tubhulk.. I guess it could be like look at my invitro and then I pull out a huge tub it kind of a play on words.. and hulk because am a scientist not a real scientist but I am ... View More
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I actually like, "as is" I always imagine it as "the hulk inside" . Idk, neurons that fire together, wire together. 1f600.png
Like January 3, 2021
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