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Female. Lives in Rochester. Is single.
Where is the best place to purchase mimosa hostila bark and should i have it shipped to my address? Thanks in advance smile.gif
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https://www.mimosaroot.com/ I use these guys, based in holland, ships to the uk with no issues, also the yield is fantastic
Like June 13, 2021
Mimosa can and will be a considered a prodrug/analoug becoming illegal under the federal analoug act. A local in my area was raided for purchasing 4kilos of root and was charged with possession of dmt.
Like June 13, 2021
Were the police watching the local in your area or where they watching the supplier? Do you know who they ordered from? I would hate the thought of ordering from a supplier that was being watched.
Like June 13, 2021
It got flagged in france but idk if anyone was being watched prior to it being flagged
Like June 15, 2021
This is one of my favorite speakers and I have benefited tremendously from listening to a lot of his recordings. I hope you benefit from this. Sent with my warmest wishes! https://youtu.be/9sD_qYXgYgU
Good morning kid. Just wanted to check in on you and see if you received my message pertaining to the technique I suggested. I'll be around later and hope you got it. Have a beautiful day, Melissa!
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I want to start meditating but whenever i try to meditate i just cant get to that place of calm. I feel like this could be life changing for me. My best friend committed suicide a year ago, then 4 mon... View More
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@Melissa I can help you. I want to help you. We can PM privately.
Like October 11, 2020
Sorry for your losses melissa stay strong and follow what your heart tells you dont give up
Like October 11, 2020
I am an admin for dmtworld meditation, we do kinda like a group meditation or at least that is our goal, i am a beginner when it comes to meditation, for me a short guided meditation while wearing headphones. I like to sit outside if i can but i live in town and have nosey neighbors lol..so i usuall... View More
Like October 11, 2020
one thing that ive learned is that the thoughts that come forth through your mind while youre trying to meditate, is not something you should suppress. if anything, those thoughts are meant to come forth so that you may work through them. you have to let them flow through your mind & then move on. b... View More
Like October 12, 2020
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