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Male. Lives in ramsgate, United Kingdom. Is single.
hey guys was wondering what root bark actually does and what you do with it, like i honestly have no idea hat you would do with it, do you eat it, chew on it or use it to synthesise dmt, i must sound ... View More
1 person likes this.
@chapter thanks man how would i go about extracting it, is it particularly hard? or can a complete beginner do it?
Like November 21, 2019
Dmtdave we can do any thing we set our mind to do
Like November 21, 2019
hello fellow physchonauts, i live in ramsgate in the uk and theres literally no where i can go for mushroom picking(that i know of) was wondering if you guys could give me some insight into this and s... View More
hey everyone im new here( like literally just signed up today) and i have a question for everyone.I live in the UK and am due to go to spain next wednesday with my friend and his mom, im 18 and have n... View More
2 people like this.
What would they possible ve able to do? ..tell rhem yes ur high on cannabis and you are also the queen of england...proove either ....
Like October 10, 2019
I doubt it. It would take time to get results, and I have never heard of any drug test for travel into another country.
Like October 10, 2019
If they do swab you, which they might... As along as you dont have anything on you, if they go through your luggage you’ll be fine. So just make sure you eat all your edibles,lol
Like October 10, 2019
thanks everyone for the feedback i appreciate it
Like October 10, 2019
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