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We’re trying all sorts of teks. My first time going in the fruiting just happened this week. I’m using BODs no mod tek with some mods lol. Well I have one tub that I just did completely with no mod go... View More
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I saw the guy who does the channel home mycology on YouTube using foil on the surface of your monotub while the bulk casing colonizes
Like August 28, 2020
My hypotheses are that it holds moisture and co2 to the surface and idk but honestly intemoved the foil and went back tibtye original no mod tek mfor bitg tubs. Fuk that experiment everythings working out fine now.
Like August 28, 2020
Super excited to start the lc journey! Thanks Mycovations for helping this fool get started! Gonna use wide mouth pint jars
6 people like this.
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Mycovations on Youtube
Like August 26, 2020
Ya First time pressure cooking the lid on the jar with my LME broth for LC. I let everything cool down all the way and when I took it out the lid was warped like a vacuum head sucked it in really hard on the gasket was a little weird in my LC port out everywhere when I picked up the jar. So I’m gonn... View More
Like August 28, 2020
Just feeling moved to say THANKS FOR EVERHTHING! This is truly awesome and im overflowing w gratitude to be oart pf such a genuinely high vibing tribe of beings! Glad to be here, stoked to share the j... View More
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Let it shine!
Like August 14, 2020
rise-amorph81 It maybe dark but it is still beautiful! sorry for not being on here for a few days i had a few things that had to be taken care of. i hope to talk to you soon my friend
Like August 14, 2020
cool! i enjoy our conversation more than you probably realize. you kept me sane when my brain was on a bad track....I'm glad you didn't leave
Like August 14, 2020
Saweeet. For sure.
Like August 19, 2020
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