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Chimp champ

Male. Born on December 10, 1989. Is single.
Tao Speak
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Psychology and Philosophy
Blotter Art
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Psychedelics » Artwork
Lucid Dreaming / Out of Body Experiences
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20th Century Vault (-1999)
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Music and Audio
Theology and Psychology
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Psychology and Philosophy
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
1387 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Entheogens and God
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Spirituality » Religion
Tasteful Nudes
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Amanita Muscaria
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Mescaline extraction
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Status Update

Chimp champ
Can someone help me with a question? If I add bark of andenanthera a dmt extraction, could it work? Obviously also adding mimosa please help me
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