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Male. Lives in Portland, Oregon, United States. Is in a relationship and it's complicated.
Building a farm starts right here capping the spring. Ive found from roughly capturing this one, the flow is less than 2 gallons per minute, which while make my goals more diffacult to meet. However t... View More
Do you ever think about the fact that we have 2 holes in out body for every sense except for feeling, which is interesting because "feeling" is the only sense we have 2 versions of, tactile and emptio... View More
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Bachman1989 and Victor would totally agree with you about it being a taste hole LOL I see your point, though think of all the pores in your skin. Also, the heart has 4 chambers and at leaat 2 holes in and out of it. Not to mention the EM field produced from the electrical activity in the heart. Thos... View More
Like October 13, 2019
Lmfao this keeps getting funnier somehow.
Like October 13, 2019
Hahahahahahaha no I wont unless it is relavent! xD
Like October 13, 2019
Butt chuggin'
Like October 13, 2019
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