by on April 11, 2021
As I entered my trip a man at a desk came to me I asked for guidance there was the a guru who became my reflection a man in robes sitting with radiating orange aura and yellow berry bright yellow aura and many other colors from the farthest part of him, there were many other entities with many arms faces but all almost a welcoming feeling there was a golden many armed god who almost looked like he was point a spear at me but then let me pass after seeing that I was ok I don’t know it was almost as if there was a stern ness not an aggression as he faded away I saw what looked to be a woman with purple hair of some sorts run up and hug me comforting me in a way of a loving warm embrace like it could literally feel the love and there was a bigger goddess golden who touched me with her finger with some sort of droplet on the end of it that then coated me in the golden droplet as more images came it was almost as if they came to make sure I was ok and that my crossroads I’ve been trying for have not been in vain that it may be difficult but if your strong you can do the right thing, I had felt old loved ones and ones I may not have even known but it was almost feeling of lookin into my past life’s and that it would be ok after a giant bull liked at me sniffed me then went into my body as to become one with me, I foolishly wasn’t satisfied and wanted a more direct answer soon this I was treated with the most aggressive expronce I’ve had as if the gods were sayin no we’ve showed you what you asked your not allowed to know everything they literally pushed me out of there realm into almost a purgatory state to witch I don’t know if the angels will let me back into heaven but I
Posted in: DMT
Topics: quite mind