Caleb Pilgrim
by on May 20, 2019
Last night I ate 6.5 g over a 4 hour period. First dose was at 3g. Second dose 2 hours later was 2g. Next dose was 1.5g next hour. Overall the experience wasnt a hugely intense visual experience however i did enjoy myself watching all the avengers movies. It also helped with some of the depression ive been having regarding my fathers health. So i got exactly what i wanted from them. I wish i would have just chowed the whole bag immediately. Honestly im not a big fan of mushies because the potency always seems to fluctuate too greatly or my body chemistry just destroys them (amateur mma fighter and gym rat). Ill stick with my blotter tabs ...or maybe try cultivating my own. Ill be interested to have my blood levels checked (i have a sports nutrition doctor i see 2x a week) to see exactly how much psilocin was converted. This should give me a good idea of how potent they actually were.
Posted in: Psilocybin
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Jeffrey Loubouski
"Far out, man."
Like May 20, 2019