by on May 17, 2019
Right......Okay. So, Yesterday I finally tried DMT for the first time. I'm not experienced in Psychedelics as my last experience was when I was 15 on LSD. So I used the Yocan Evolve Plus. Loaded about .06g possibly more, just going off sight really no measurements, into the ceramic donut. I have been waiting to try it for about 5 or 6 years, since I watched documentaries and read books on it. A friend of mine got me some so I thought, here we go, let's try it.
I was alone. I settled the mind and closed all the windows and darkened the room. I was getting slightly nervous now and thought come on let's just go with the flow.
I pressed on the button 5 times to activate then pressed the button for 2 seconds to melt the deem then took a long pull for about 10 seconds then held it in for about 15 seconds. Then booooooom it's hit me hard. I was thinking I need 2 more hits but I wasnt expecting it to be so physical. My head had like a pressure from the inside. I could here like a crackling noise and then things echoing, like my heart beat.
I could see like shiny see through fractal patterns so I closed my eyes and I could see like a ring, black in the middle of a giant fractal mainly red in colour on the outsides. I think I was basically trying to fight it. I wasn't relaxed at all. I kept opening my eyes and saw everything moving. I closed my eyes again then it was like flashes of things like a giant colourful face holding like a spoon I think, above a colourful house, makes no sense but it was so quick.
Anyway, an hour later I was thinking shit I should try and push on for another 2 hits. I did. I loaded up the donut a little less this time as some residue was left in. Each hit about 7 secs and held in for about 10 secs. Very similar in visualizations and sounds but I had a moment I felt I had left my body then popped right back in again.
I hadn't noticed I had left I just thought oh shit I went somewhere and I was aware I had a body again in the space of seconds. All like a dream though, as I started to forget most of what happened. I'm sure I saw more but I've now forgotten.
It's basically the start that I wasn't used to. The wave that hits you after a first big hit. I felt nearly incapable of doing anymore. I just feel I need to play around with small doses then build up.
Posted in: DMT
12 people like this.
@Jeffrey Cheers bro. Any advice welcome pal. I wasn't expecting it to be so physical on the body as it was.
Like May 17, 2019
@Mike I was fighting the dying part I think. The ego didnt want to let go.
Like May 17, 2019
@Spudgun Thanks for your continued support. I can't wait to try again. Just need to let go and play a little.
Like May 17, 2019
Someone please explain further about the 'dying feeling ' taking it for the first time tonight. If you have any advice that could be highly appreciated. T.i.a
Like May 20, 2019