by on February 8, 2021

  It's been a trying past couple of months for me, and for a lot of you out there as well, I imagine. I recently found myself with some time and better yet some alone time. So, I decided to try an early afternoon trip. I planned out some things before hand, like possible movies (Dr. Strange, and Hitchhikers guide) and some food if I got hungry (which I always do). Am I the only one who gets ravenous after the second hour in? Anyway, the past few times it was in the evening and I stayed primarily indoors. This time I set out to experience what it's like outside. I live near a small lake and there is a pathway that circles the community I live in. OK, so I ate them up and chased them with lemon juice and some ginger sweetened with monk fruit sweetener then went for a walk.

   It was a cool and overcast day... Perfect for walking. I usually walk this path at least 3 times a week or so. Needless to say, I know it by heart. After about 30 minutes in I started seeing a brightening and color changes in the greenery and sky. I'm not sure how much longer after that but I stopped to look at some yellowing grass, and the pattern just sucked me in for a moment or two. I was very aware of other people and a security person who patrols the complex, I didn't want to appear as a wierdo staring at the ground so I moved on. As I'm walking I am looking out over a small swamp/forest area and the 3 dimensionality of it all felt other-worldly. The shapes of the vines that engulf the trees (I live in Florida) creates a really ominous presence. They look like creatures, some are huge. It really felt something like a haunted forest. I wasn't scared though, just intrigued, all the while trying to appear normal. I stopped at a bench that over looks the lake and patch of tree's that leads to a swamp. There are gators that live in the embankment where the lake meets the trees and its quite dark and creepy in there. So, I'm sitting adjacent to the swampy tree-line and I am just tripping at the beauty of the water and reflections of the landscape and sky. I looking up at some palms and they drop seeds that are quite loud and big. I could hear birds and all sorts of nature sounds I don't usually hear so vividly. After a few people walked by, I felt a little paranoid and started on the path again. Now, I'm really felling it, as Im walking Im looking up at the trees that have lost all of they’re leaves and the amazing patterns the branches and twigs make. I immediately was reminded of Japanese woodblock prints and had a mini-epiphany that Hokusai might have been tripping when he designed some of his tree prints. I stop again and sit at another bench and there was light coming through the clouds that almost brought me to tears. In fact I was tearing up. So I got up and started walking again. So, I make it around again and I see this car that has it's motor running. I look inside as I walk by and see someone in there. Then this beautiful girl who’s sitting in there looks at me and smiles. She is reading in her car. I smiled back and gave her a nod. I was so amazed at how beautiful her face was when she smiled at me. All I could think about for the next 15 minutes was making it around the path again to see her. 

     I make it back to the forest area I mentioned earlier again and decided to walk in a bit. The canopy of trees makes it quite dark on a cloudy day and the the sounds of the wind through the trees was intense. A light rainstorm was approaching so it was a little windy.As I'm walking I am talking to myself. I kind of freaked myself out a bit talking out loud but I kept thinking "stay on the path, avoid the beast". I ignored my own warning and walk deeper in and then I felt this presence and again I said to myself "avoid the beast unless you are going to destroy it"..."stay on the path". I stopped and just took in the scenery for a moment and went back out and onto the path. I felt a very connectedness with the environment and just wanted to stay outside. I'm not sure how long I was out there but at least 2 hours. So, it was about six o’clock-ish. After all that I went inside and watched some the movies and inhaled some turkey wraps I made earlier. 

Also, I woke up with a splitting headache the next morning.. I would love to hear from anyone who has experienced this and more importantly knows how to preemptively remedy this.


Posted in: Psilocybin