by on February 1, 2021

I have tried two separate times to consume 0.06g of DMT.  This stuff is difficult.

I did not understand how truly powerful this substance is... while inhaling the first toke there is an immediate sensation of increased energy... like the intensity of existence gets cranked through the roof... it makes consuming the whole dose daunting.

First attempt I was able to get maybe a toke and a half before the room and the view outside became multiple overlays of slightly different colored viewpoints seen from slightly different angles.  Then there was a sound and the concept of "IT IS HAPPENING" took control and I found myself lying on my back laughing and wiggling along to the dance that is the happening. Left me feeling that something profound had happended but little idea of what besides "IT" and "HAPPENING"

Second attempt I got a solid 2 tokes and a bit before the intensity was more than I could handle. (I know I'm not going to explode from the energy but it sure feels that way)  The room again split into the multi-colored (emphases on electric purples and greens) variations seen from various angles. It wasnt the items but the space inside the room that I really took notice of.  I found myself traveling at great speed through some sort of room labrynth complex... it felt like every room I've ever been in was linked in one large building with no outside.  As I traveled along a current through these rooms I remember becoming concerned with where my legs were... were my knees bent or were my legs flat out on the floor?  I have no answer. I stopped the wiggling dance I had started and tried to calm my body and let the ride take me where it would... when I stopped wiggling I realized that I was supposed to have kept dancing and that I could not restart correctly.  At this point I felt myself slam into a wall in a yellow bathroom that I dont know if I've ever actually been in.  If I had been moving my body I felt that I would have slipped through the wall and continued foreward.  There was something calling my name the way my mother did when I was a child... first playful and inviting, then questioning as I felt myself descending from the experiance.  I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of a geometric face showing disappointment from the ceiling for a split second but that might just be fanciful thinking.

Both were profound experiances that left me sitting in retrospective silence for an extended period afterwards.  A few times since the second attempt I've caught myself softly singing my own name like it's a song stuck in my head... crazy I know but the feeling of contentness that accomplanies the song that is my name is hard to describe.

I look foreward to what comes next.

Posted in: DMT
4 people like this.
Try using a dab rig to get it all in one hit. A lot of people find it hard to get the full dose in a 3 hit fashion because theh are too gone from the first 2. One hit dosing fixes this. Loved hearing about your experience.
Like February 1, 2021
Thank you Ben. I was considering a dab rig but have seen so many people say the machine is the way to go I wanted to give it a try. All in one hit would be lovely.
Like February 1, 2021
The method I find works best is to use a quartz banger. Heat it until red hot and let it cool down, it will vary depending on the thickness, quartz quality and ambient temperature but for my setup 1 minute 5 seconds is the perfect amount of time to cool down to optimal temperature. Start slowly draw... View More
Like February 1, 2021