by on January 31, 2021
Had a session other night and decided to go back in, started off really dark, can't remember how many blasts I inhaled but felt like I was pinned to the bed, I was aware my body was there but I just could not move, everything was dark just felt like death surrounding me, but i stayed calm. I came out of it and thought a while but then I though fuck it, I'm going back in! What's the worst that can happen! I've seen death so I'm good!
So another blast, and I was away! I remember her dragging me through this vail of fractals and colours I became this bright sun, and burning, the whole universe came at me like a rapid river but every time anything got near me I burnt it away, I had became the sun! All the bad, all the torment, sadness, grief just burnt away, I felt like I was reclaiming me, powerful and un afraid, bolts of lightening, chariets charging but I fought them back, everything coming at me was blue, a bright blue, and I felt it to be male, trying to penetrate through me but I fought back, at this point I was screaming "I am god, I am god" I was repelling all darkness and evil that was thrown my way, I fought till he gave up, then came back,
I felt I had a power so I was eager to jump straight back in,
She was there, telling me there isn't just a third eye but a 4th, it was illuminating at the back Of the head on many beings, and an egylption god appeared in the centre of my view, he opened his mouth and everything around seemed to be inhaled by him including me, I was sucked into the mouth of a god, everything went black! But then a sillohette of a tree started to form, it was a big tree, it had a thick trunk and just before its branches began to sperate there was 1 eye in the centre of the tree
It was an awesome thing to witness, but then everything began to fade to fractals and colours again dancing amongst each other, I came out.
That wasn't the end I wanted more so I dosed myself up again but I inhaled more than I have ever done
I didn't have the fractals or the colours
I jumped forward past all that and I remember thinking I've over done it now, but I found my self on the edge of a over hanging cliff, I looked up to see a branch like hand holding an egg that illuminated with lights and colours I've never seen before, this hand and egg where huge, I can't even describe the colours, next to it was a gigantic tower that was rebuilding it self, the tower was full of life, something similar to a scientific movie, but the tower was the universe, I just stood in absolute awe,,, I felt like I was home, this is where I belonged, I just stood and gaped at this amazing sight, it felt like seconds and I was fading back to this world,, I came out devistated, it was the most wonderful thing ever, I just wish I could put in art to show everyone.
Posted in: DMT