by on December 25, 2020
I had prepared for a trip the night before, however ended up getting super hungry and making pizza (very typical of me tbh, and honestly I was probably more nervous than anything.) It’s now Christmas Eve, and decided with all the amazing vibes going on now is the best time to dive in. It took me a while to work up the courage (I’m like this with any drug tbh) but I finally took a deep breath and railed about 40mg.
After 20 minutes, as the effects started to kick in, everything became significantly more sharp (as in even the finest detail could be noticed). Colours were overly saturated, and I started feeling as if my legs were “stuck” to the ground. They weren’t, to my surprise - just extremely heavy. At this point, I’m laying back on my bed kicking my legs around like a child and laughing my ass off at how the “gravity” feels. At the 30 min mark, I decided to hit another 20mg line. My friend recommended I try smoking cannabis with it, so I did and it was sincerely the most perfect drug combo I can even think of.
At this point, I started getting dizzy and double vision. While trying to text my friend my phone kept constantly zooming in and out. It took me a legitimate two minutes to type “yeah it’s so stupid honestly lmao” to my friend because I was sincerely convinced I couldn’t use my hands. I recall staring at my phone and saying out loud “how the fuck do I even type this” while laughing my ass off.
At this point, I said “this is awesome” and did another bump. Everything became slow motion. Time stopped. I laid back and sank into my bed while everything just became irrelevant. I experienced pure euphoria, and the feeling of absolute bliss. I robotically sat back up, and attempted to stand which I soon realized was not possible. When I was finally able to stand I felt completely alien, almost felt taller and lankier. I was walking around the house like a legitimate robot, lol.
Now I’m just munching away the ketamunchies!
Posted in: Other Psychedelics
4 people like this.
Right on brother! Thanks for writing a report on this. Its one of the less commonly reported substances on here! I had a great read, and i know others will enjoy this aswell.
Like December 25, 2020
No problem man, glad to contribute! I’ll be sure to write up some reports on other substances I try for the first time as well!
Like December 25, 2020