by on October 13, 2020

Dose: 3.5g Amazonian Dry Eaten

Warning this will probably need a prior knowledge of The Midnight Gospel to understand. My apologies I plan on writing a more comprehensive one later on but I want to get this out there at least.

This will be a recounting of a recent trip me and my partner had. It's been a few months since so things aren't 100% clear anymore but I'll do my best to describe as much detail as I can. We began our trip mid day it had been my first trip in awhile so I was quite nervous so beforehand we had decided to watch The Midnight Gospel with the intent to gain a deeper understanding and integration of the content. Honestly that might of been what made this experience so impactful. We each divided our 7 grams of mushies and began to chomp down with some youtube in the background. After consumption we went outside for a quick toke. A few bong tokes later we were back inside with the first episode starting. Nothing too exciting happened during this portion but the overall mood of the episode really set a good ground for the trip. As the episode started getting to it's climax things really took off. "GET IN!" we heard as reality started to warp. "GET IN!" Things became heavier. "GET IN!" Blast off. It's as if everything startedd to dissapear, the pressure was intense. All that was left was the narration and the whooshing of the world spinning out of control. I honestly don't remember very many visuals during the first half of the trip it was all conceptual. It's as if visual stimuli ceased to matter in this realm we had entered. So we just listened. This was when things were starting to get really intense and the next episode kind of smoothed that out talking about accepting your situation and death as well. This really made things really smooth as we transitioned into an egoless state. As we entered the next episode we were greeted by the realm of spirituality and gods. Going through the explanation of magik and it's processes it felt like this strengthened our connection with the divine that was with us at the time and we held our own wordless ritual. It was incredible and recounting the experience to eachother after it was scary how identical our experience was. The next episode started to calm things down a bit and we were able to actually watch it. The visuals were insane watching everything warp into itself with the art style was incredible. It was more lighthearted and silly which really helped the mindframe we were comming out of but still had enough depth that it kept us anchored to that state of mind. When Jam Roll turned into his final form and started screaming TRUUUUUDDYYYY TRUUUDDDYYYY we both just burst out laughing and couldn't stop it was pure joy. I'm going to stop this here for today and continue on from here later. I'm currently moving but I wanted to at least get half of this out cause it's been rolling around in my brain and I didn't want to forget. So I figured posting it would let anyone who's interested read and cement it more in my memory.

Thanks everyone! Mush love!


Posted in: Psilocybin
5 people like this.
Ima try this I couldn't enjoy the show sober but the episode with his mother was so heartwarming and fun when she said let go and he busted into tears omg I cried so much
Like October 13, 2020
All around good show
Like October 24, 2020
Its different which interests me
Like October 24, 2020