by on September 26, 2020

So last night i had the urge to try and blast off again and i decided that the sandwhich method again would be my ticket. after talking with some people and doing a little more research i had come to the decision that i was just being a little bitch and wanted to try get as much as i could in one breath, because if i feel that dying feeling i pretty much just say no more and stop. anyway as i hold the molecule in my lungs and start to exhale, by the end of the exhale (now its all still very dreamy and i cant remember exactly what happen so this is just my best interpretations of what i can recall). but as i breathe out my last breathe its almost like "i" came out of that breathe but into just shapes, fabrics and feelings. I now think i understand how it feels more real than this reality. I remember for a while i kept thinking that i had my hands on something juicey but the words would slip away just as i thought that i thought of it. I think i may have been close to a ego dissoltuion but not certain, i knew that i was fine but i had no sense that i had a body and was just this thing experiencing what was happening. i was also getting feelings that was like everything i've done in the past leading me to cross the "t's" and dot some "i's" although i've more than likely crossed the "l's" and dotted the "z's"

The next attempt isnt going to be for a while i think, i want to buy a good dab rig and dab my self a breakthrough dose and am going to try stick to a meditation schedule as well as doing dream recall so i can be more prepared for when i decide to not turn back. i definatly feel that my ego has shurnk but just in my thought process, I think when i go back im going to get my ass kicked but in a protective mum sort of way haha

hope you guys enjoy the read :) x


Posted in: DMT
6 people like this.
Welcome to the real world Neo. For me breakthroughs came with time and experience. I still taking same amounts as then but its like you are prepared by each trip more and more so your 3rd eyes open. They know humans are fragile and if shown too much their brains can go brrrrrrrrrrr. First trips I on... View More
Like September 29, 2020
Try a nectar collector they work quite nice to get a full hit. thanks for sharing
Like October 1, 2020