by on May 8, 2019

I thought it's time to test my salvia and loaded 0,3g into the bong.

My partner asked me if she can continue watch Netflix, I thoght why not and she watched some series.

Since I knew I have to keep the vapor in for as long as I can, I pulled all of it into my lungs and waited.

After 20-30 seconds I noticed a wierd feeling and was focussing on that, forgetting completly that I still had vapor in, until I wanted to drink some water, so I blew the smoke out, but was confused what it actually was. Then the series had some "funny" scenece, where alarms go off and a guy in a Tardis outfit comes into the room and is screaming "Dalek Dalek! Destroy everything!" which totatly blew my mind, I coudn't differentiate between me or the series anymore, I thought I'm in some kind of transitional dimension where I have to choose the next life to life and were shown some choices, like be the crazy guy that screams random shit :laughing:

My partner did see my reaction and quickly changed to some soothing music, which completly relaxed me and I after a few minutes I was back to normal, and super happy that this is actually my reality and my life, and I was so happy in not beieng anyone else :heart:

Posted in: Salvia Divinorum
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I hate salvia couse it's not good feeling.I try it 3 times and every time I smoke it I was not human.Its funny to say but I was asphalt hahahha.I couldnt move and I actualy feel like a stone and saw myself thurning into asphalt.My partner told me that I was calling for help but I remember that there... View More
Like May 8, 2019
Both of your stories are hilarious and very interesting! The few times that I did Salvia before it was made illegal, I just thought EVERYTHING was hilarious. I don't remember the strength. Each time it was offered to me I was already streaming canna-consciousness, so I'm sure that contributed to the... View More
Like May 8, 2019