Trip Reports
The attached picture is the closest thing to represent the visual aspect I will refer to later.
Set and setting was nice. Camping in a sparsely occupied campground with 2 friends. One buddy brought two 10x10 canopies set side by side, with walls for protection. A mesh ground cover that let dirt fall through but not come up. Lights strung up, tapestry art, inflatable furniture and propane heater.
We started our night by eating a handful of penis envy each probably 2g before sunset. Ate some food with difficulty. Few hours later each ate just over a point of molly without a capsule, straight down the hatch and loaded pipes with CBD weed and dmt.
After the molly started riding well and we felt amazing started toking dmt loaded in pipes over CBD weed and I was disappointed. We decided it wasn't enough. So while 1 buddy reloaded the pipes with a gratuitous amount (as it always should be) I grabbed my pipe with a bowl loaded with dmt and harmala.
We started the album back over at the beginning. I had everyone hit my harmala pipe first. Then we proceeded to hit our dmt cbd pipes, and then we kept passing the harmala to make sure the maoi was pumping. I was afraid of the music volume as it was around 2AM so I tried to turn it down, my buddy said its fine, and before my eyes the volume indicator moved back up. There was nothing we could do to change it. Ok, here it goes then. Fuck the neighbors.
Somewhere in the middle of Pneuma (track 2 of 10, 80 minute album) during the drum breakdown/solo midsong this veil, translucery like the photo, began at the ceiling, and cascaded downward into our tent setup. The air picked up an electric feel, charged and alien. We all watched in amazment as our world transformed into an alien geometric overlay on top of reality.Then more happened. Danny Carey, the drummer of tool is very into magick and altered states. We could feel what he did, some kind of time folding during the recording process, He has drum solos hidden into the music itself previously unheard. I, personally know this album note for note. But the things that happened I never heard before. We lost sense of time and song itself. We'd hear a song we knew, then he would go freestyle, a fucking lot. I mean unbelievable drum solos, and somehow return back into the song we were listening to. Most of the time I didn't know what song we were listening too, until his freesytyle ended. The drumming was around us, in the air, and when the freestyle eneded the soundfield collapsed back into the speaker and sounded hollow and flat. Then later he would start doing the drumming again, builiding up this architect of physcial sound we could see in the air, completely paralyzing us, trapped by this rhythm. When it was all said and done the album ends with a track called Mockingbeat, birds chirping like in a forest, ironically where we were, and the magic energy just vanished.
We looked at the time, 4:30. We had been listening to an 80 minute album for 180 minutes. We just couldn't believe what happened. We're all still trying to wrap our minds around it. I've been doing dmt for 20 years. I have never come this far, especially with others. All I know is we did it. We broke the veil, we had a custom album experience for us, with a drummer who likes tripping and magick, who used some kind of ritualistic power to fold space and time into his art and there is a way to unfold the package and put it back into the box it came out of.
music, magick, time manipulation, shared experience
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Tool makes their songs based on mathematical equations derived from sacred geometry. They write their music out in a circle rather then on lined staff paper. The image you posted is Islamic temple art which was one of the most developed forms of sacred geometric art in history. Sacred Geometry is th... View More
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September 4, 2020
All I got to say is ..... you just know its going to be a helluva night when everything starts out with the eating of penises!