by on August 2, 2020
For those that have been following my progress, know that I have been successful at only low doses. My breakthrough doses have all failed. Today was the first time I was going for it with a sitter. I’ve been alone before. My sitter noticed my problem and why I’m failing. Apparently I don’t know how to vape, he said I was smoking it like a cigarette, and then thought me the proper way to vape. But my throat wasn’t going to tolerate any more today, and he wanted to try for a breakthrough.
He is aware of what DMT is, but not well studied in it. But going thru some hard times in his life and willing to take a chance on anything for help. I did inform him of all of what I felt was “need to know” like being willing to surrender and let go. So after some coaching, he’s ready. He takes 3 big successful hits from my Evolve Plus, hands me the pen, and lays back. He showed what i thought was physical signs of a successful breakthrough, but then he sat up and vomited, 5-6 times, he took a look at me, and looked surprised, I asked him if he needed more? He laid back down with eyes closed. Began to smile a lot. I felt he was having a comfortable experience, about 10 minutes later he opened his eyes, I told him to focus on remembering anything that happened. He said he didn’t remember anything except vomiting. I told him that might have been a purge, but is more common with ayahuasca. He then informed me that he pissed Himself. I asked him if he remembered looking at me, and if he did why did he look surprised? He said I looked a little different, I had green dots and spikes on my face, when he closed his eyes I turned dark but he could still see me and the green dots/spikes. The only other thing he remembers is “let it go” right before he pissed, hes not sure if this was a thought or a voice. He recalls nothing of the rest of e trip. Thoughts?
Also he is a heavy THC vape user, I’ve heard theory’s that THC makes remembering harder, can anyone confirm?
Posted in: DMT
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Also i am fresh out of DMT, will need to do an extraction, but until then im going to start vaping some nicotine until i get used to the proper method of vaping.
Like August 2, 2020
Honestly all my experiences are equally vague . The first 3 were the easiest to recall most details. I dont notice thc having any effect of my experiences
Like August 2, 2020