by on July 19, 2020
Hey everyone, happy to report on my first trip!
When it all started I began listening to a classical music playlist on spotify with my eyes closed. I began seeing beautiful geometeic patterns that seemed to fold and unfold and dance around with the music. Seemed like the colors produced by a prism. I saw the patterns shaped and spinning like giant cogs. The shapes would change onto strands or lines of colors and would randomly morph into a giant 3D mushroom which seemed to welcome me to that realm. I immediately started feeling overwhelming joy. I could not stop smiling. I went to use the restroom and saw myself in the mirror. I kept looking at my eyes and all my facial features, I saw myself as incredibly handsome (not in an arrogant way), my eyes looked beautiful and i began feeling like i was fully aware of my surroundings. I could feel the air from my fan gently moving every strand of my hair and felt all my senses greatly enhanced. It was a very pleasant and happy experience. The feeling of joy I had was something i hadn't experienced in such a long time. I felt at peace with myself. I fell asleep and when i woke up, i still had that feeling of joy and felt incredibly well rested.
If anyone is interested, here is a link to the playlist i was listening to..
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#DZephyr Thanks, it really was. Looking forward to my next trip
Like July 20, 2020