by on July 18, 2020


As this is my first trip report posted I'll give a bit of backstory... I started my journey as a psychonaut in the later years of High School when Salvia was still legal and I was instantly enthralled with the concept of being able to experience realities above and below the one to which we are born.  About a year later I started using cannabis at least daily and would continue to do so for the better part of the next decade.  About a year after seriously starting to use cannabis I experienced LSD and was once again enthralled with a new experience.  I began to experimented with whatever I could get my hands on to alter my conscious and had some truly wonderful experiances as well as some seemingly endless nightmares.  I was in college at the time and in order to continue experimenting as much as possible while keeping up with my school work I eventually fell into using stimulants habbitually and spent over 3 years tiptoeing the edge of serious addiction and psychosis.  Once graduated I was thankfully able to exert enough self control to stop using everything but alcohol and cigarettes... but in doing so alcohol went from a pass time that I occasionally enjoyed to a daily habbit that quickly worsened.  I realized that my life was going in the complete opposite direction of where I had once dreamed. After many failed attempts I was able to hold on to sobriety as well as stop smoking.  Then I was laid off from a job I hated but paid to good to leave and my world got flipped... but it was a good flip.  I ended up getting a job that I love and moved to a more rural area where I now feel comfortable.  Over the past year I've seen signs from the Gods (I am faithfully heathen) that I am on the right path as I do more and more things that I had only ever dreamed of doing. 

Now re-enter the psychedelic... I am at a point in my life where I have realized that these are not things to abuse or play with without thought.  I do not plan on buying substances ever again... I believe the process of cultivating and making them practices patience and shows respect for the spirit within the substance.  Through interacting with these spirits I believe the path of life can be better appreciated where as the abuse will allow the spirits to lead one astray... enough of that now... on to the trip.


I cleaned my house and laundered my linens as I did not want any part of the trip to be centered around me not having done my chores. I ate 5 dried grams of cubes at 10:20PM. I'm fairly certain that I've had higher doses before but this was my first time weighing a dose of mushrooms... also, this was my first time tripping in roughly 5 years.  I then took a shower, brushed my teeth, turned off the lights, and lay down in bed.  I stated that I wanted to be like Odin and sacrifice myself to myself.  I closed my eyes and started counting my breath.  Eventually I was unable to count and could only focus on breathing in and breathing out... sea anemones made of light were carressing the inner space where my thoughts are and they had a distinctly feminine energy.  I was brought through several undulating enclosed landscapes difficult to describe... with a bright flash and a reverberating sound the landscape would change to a different one in color and layout and I was told that there was no going back and that I should enjoy my surroundings while I have them.  After time I came to my body...

I had forgotten what being inside my trip body was like.  My self feels much bigger than normal as well as much heavier.  I can see the layout of my body in my mind with glowing green grids of energy flowing over lay lines.  This is not a specific memory from a previous trip that I had forgotten but more an inate memory that I've only just realized has always been there.  The axis mundi of the light grid tube that I am in is at the foot of my bed.  I have a brief moment where I am convinced that I am a child in bed and my Mom and Dad are awake in the hallway outside my room.  The landscapes are still going inside my head and I want to watch them but my left eye keeps opening with an intensity.  I am aware that Odin is laying to my left and that "I" (the one opening my eye) am Loki.  I look at Odin and he is staring back at me, he is not happy. The axis mundi at the foot of the bed has a feminine energy and is reaching out to me with tentacles of energy.  She pulls Loki out of me and I roll over and close my eyes for a time but Loki is slippery and hides within me only to later open my eye and look around.  After this happens a few times things become serious.  Odin is gone and all I can think is that Heimdal knows I'm here but I dont know where he is.  A white tentacle lashes out from the axis mundi and I can feel as Loki is skewered to a spot behind and above my head but still inside my mind.  My muscles all tense and its more euphoric than the most powerfull orgasm I've ever experienced.  Afterwards I feel deflated.  Odin is once again to my left and he says I can go with him to what is next.  I close my eyes and I do... its dark and the only light is the energy grid of bodies dancing.

At this point I feel that my body is a space ship and my thinking mind is the software running the space ship (weird change of gears but I was going where it led).  My soul is the crew of said ship and they have left to mingle with others on the space station with which I am docked.  I spent a good amount of time envious that I could not enter the station myself but was happy to think that my crew was enjoying themselves and would return refreshed.

I eventually felt energetic and restless enough that I got up and went outside to sit and look at the sky.  There is an airport not far from me and I sat and geeked at the planes taking off in the night... I ate some rice and beans that I had made earlier and layed down for the night eventually falling asleep around about 2:30AM.

The next day I had a decent headache at a specific spot in the center of my forehead about an inch deep. The day after that (today) I feel wonderful.  Calm, cool, and collected I am happy to be on the path to becoming my better self.  May Loki stay bound and skewered so that he can cause as little trouble as possible.

Posted in: Psilocybin