by on April 15, 2020

So here is a follow up to "Just A Taste"

 I carefully measured out my breakthrough dose of 50mg and placed it into the pipe. I put some Himalayan singing bowl video on and put my headphones on and sat in the middle of my bed. As I heated the pipe with the small torch I suddenly saw the it fill with white smoke. I drew in a deep long breath, and now I see what everyone means about the harsh taste. I guess I'm not a better chemist after all lol. So as I drew my second hit I remember thinking theres no way I can take another, my lungs felt so full I thought to myself "let's let my lungs relax then I'll try and take the third magical hit ... so I sat back, put on my blindfold and exhaled. Then I started seeing the tone from the singing bowl. It was huge and shot across the sky. I couldn't take my attention away from it. It was drawing me in slowly, so I started looking in to it "the tone I guess you could say"... 

 it was so overpowering I got stuck. It was as if the tone was being sprayed out into existence like a fire hydrant spraying a 60 foot stream of solid mist and it was bearing down on me. I remember thinking the bowl was a bad idea... and it was pushing me down like a magnet but with the reverse polarity. I didnt see anything other than that stupid tone coming from that bowl.

Finally when I get enough where with all to grab the pipe for the third hit... nothing... I tried two more times and still got nothing. In fact I started coming out of it quick. I was so bummed. I couldn't believe I had more of an experience just testing out a fraction of what I had just attempted to use.  

3 hrs later

So I thought to myself well maybe I need a better delivery method. After all I have zero experience with a crack pipe. I know I can do the sandwich technique, however I'm leery of using weed or a bong just based off of other peoples reviews.

With that said I grabbed my scale and figured I would weighout another dose while I figure out what to do. So as I sit with my legs crossed in the middle of my bed I have all my stuff laid out I decided to watch another video on dosages and converting grams and milligrams because I suck at math and measurements... anyways let me get to it, I remembered how that little bit of dmt the first time had such a big effect. I grabbed the pipe and tried one last time thinking there might be some residue in it.... maybe I'll get lucky and it will be just enough in it to do something... OMG I took one hit and BAM !!!! It was like my hole room was liquid and wavy. I immediately thought Oh Fuck.... and started trying to put my stuff away so I didnt fuck anything up. 

I looked down at my arms and legs as I sat cross legged in the middle of my pond room on my bed.  I struggled to grab my phone to turn off some annoying video on mesuments my head was screaming at me You Fucked Up Now... my arms and legs had scales coming off of them and were hard to control. I started laughing and said not those kinds of scales. I was thinking the universe misunderstood me thinking about scales and weighing stuff. Then I started seeing my legs in like prism form. Like I was looking at myself through the eyes of a bug. Then I grabbed my phone and attempted to record a conversation with myself. That was very intense. I apologize to myself on the daily for being stupid or doing stupid stuff lol.  I think I may try the sandwich method with a bong next.  Wish me luck lol.

Posted in: DMT
Topics: mistakes, dmt, trip, whoops