Trip Reports
Ok so this trip report will be kinda short as it's been the ONLY time I have ever tripped and it was also 16 years ago lol. I finally feel comfortable enough here to share it so here goes nothing. I had a buddy that sold drugs. I mean all kinds of drugs. One night after work waiting tables i gave him a call to see what all he had and he told me he just got some mushrooms in and made some chocolates out of them. Asked did I want some and they were $5 per chocolate. I was STOKED!! I bought 2 for me and 2 for a buddy of mine and we had planned to do them in my sunroom since I had it all set up with Christmas lights around the ceiling, blacked out walls and my tv in there. On the drive home I decided I would go ahead and eat one of them so it could start kicking in about the time I made it home. I lived near a pretty big amusement park on the east coast and by the time I made it there I noticed things started to look funny and I glanced over at the park and noticed that it looked like a HUGE circus tent and there was also a HUGE Farris wheel. This park has neither, plus it was fall so this particular park was now closed. I thought to myself that was kinda odd. I drove the rest of my drive home(about 20 more minutes with no other incidents and met with my buddy and we both ate the remainder of the chocolates. We went into the sunroom and my friend said we should smoke a bowl because it was supposed to make the trip better and I agreed. I packed that bad boy up and lit it and as SOON as I put the flame to the weed a dragon shot up from the bowl and circled the room and was gone. I was shocked. It was the coolest shit I had ever seen in my life!! My buddy took a couple hits and suddenly started getting antsy saying he liked to walk around when he did shrooms so we started to walk around outside my house for what seemed like 30 minutes and went back inside when my neighbor came out the back door of his house and started trying to talk to us. I remember feeling like he was gonna tattle tale on us like I was a little kid again. When we got back inside my buddy started to walk around like a toddler with ADD and it started to freak me out BAD! I had recently watched fear and loathing in Las Vegas and the only thing I could think was the scene where the lawyer was in the bathtub threatening to kill the reporter guy and suddenly decided I needed to hide all the knives in my house in the stove so my buddy wouldnt find them and kill me!!! I was certain he was out to get me. All the while this guy is walking around my house so fast that I swear it was like he was in fast forward. What else can I say...he was freaking me the fuck OUT!!!! I told him "hey man, I know you gotta be tripping balls right now, but you gotta go!!!" I told him he was freaking me out and he still wouldnt sit his ass down and just chill and enjoy the trip. Finally I convinced him to leave and as SOON as he walked out the door I locked it behind him. I walked around my entire house going room to room checking all the windows and doors making sure they were all locked thinking maybe he unlocked one so he could sneak back in and get me. Then I would forget that I had just walked around and checked them so I would go back around and check them again. I spent the next 3 hours doing this until I finally came down. As I was coming down I noticed my hands and forearms kept tensing up and it looked like my hands were locking up like a mummies hands look. I did a little research and discovered it wasnt shrooms at all. It was acid. Smh. I guess you could say my first trip ever was NOT a very good experience. So I'm ready to get my shrooms grown and try this again for real this time lol.
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This doesnt sound like either , you need to come to terms the fact it maybe just have been just a weed brownie which would futher explain your “trip” and this further more this is an anxiety report becsuse most is emtjonal tenions, a weed brownie would do this to you more than anythjng
April 4, 2020
It definitely wasnt weed brownie. It was a hard chocolate like you get at grandmas house. And yes someone could have put a hit of acid on top of a chocolate. I know weed and this DEFINITELY wasnt weed.