by on March 21, 2020
Had a mega trip last night.
Gf and I planned on tripping for a few days; set intentions and didn't eat much the day of. I got home around 6 but had to wait around for her as she was finishing up some hobby/self-care stuff. Smoked half a J, got the munchies real bad and ate a ton of cereal. I think around 730 or 8 she said to start without her, I said I'll eat some now and more with her when she's ready. Ate 3.2g, then I think an hour later another 1.6 with her and I was really blasting off now. The most I had done before was 3.5g. I took my doses all night with strong lemon water.
I hadn't showered after work yet so I went and did that. Standing in the warm water felt so good and so right and perfect. I couldn't stop giggling and belly laughing so genuinely like I never had before.
There's a small window in my shower, I opened it up and was mesmerized by the beauty of the outside world. The sky was deep red and blue and purple, and the bare trees against it were pulsating and vibrant and beautiful. Closest to me there was a large flowering tree, which moved and vibrated in ways that really blew my mind. I kept saying wow and whoa and laughed heartily, just full of awe at the world and nature.
Apparently I stood in the water like this for some time, most of 45 minutes, because she came in and told me to shut the window as I was pretty loud and neighbors could probably hear. So I finally got to showering myself, which was a little challenging, and although I needed to shave I'm glad I didn't attempt to!
I was accompanied by a sense of knowing that I was in a good space tonight, and I would have a good and safe trip no matter what, and I wanted to take more. I had to push it. I had to see what could be seen.
As I dried myself off, I had a fleeting moment of crying. It wasn't out of sadness, it was more of a reverence of gratitude at how beautiful and perfect the world is. Maybe I was just seeing a reflection of my own consciousness at the time. As quickly as it came, the moment of tears was again replaced by laughter and euphoria.
I put pajamas on, ate another 1.5g, and laid down with her. I think it might have been 10 or 11 by now, and the peak was absolutely stunning. I was at the point of walking between worlds; barely tethered to the bed I was laying on and reality.
Needless to say, I had never had such intense open eye visuals, but the closed eye world was not of this dimension. I was interacting with an elf-bug race. They were tall and skinny and graceful, reminiscent of LOTR elves, but with an ant-like humanoid bug face. I had a sense that they were the creators of the universe. Maybe just because they were here first, or maybe because they created the world I was in at the moment. They showed me colors and patterns I could never have imagined, beautiful geometric and geodesic structures. I felt my own birth, the connectedness of all things. I said out loud, "they're showing me the most beautiful things."
The peak ended abruptly, and although I was hallucinating heavily, I felt very sober. I ate another 1.5g, and had another experience of universal expansion as the peak came on, disconnection from reality in a stunningly beautiful way. I'm not sure if the peak lasted for hours, or if I fell asleep, but the last time I looked at the clock it was 5am, and I eased off to sleep.
I knew if I had eaten the 8 all at once it would have been too much too soon. I listened to my intuition and took more as I felt ready to. It was just right. I just wish I had drunk more water, as I still have a brutal headache today.
Posted in: Psilocybin
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Like March 30, 2020