Trip Reports
Well holy fuck... I took about 3 big hits of DMT. I was in some fucked up boxy world box everywhere every was completely random. Greyish type place. It felt so normal but so completely fucked up. Such random shit. Really felt a sense of your brain and signals shooting everywhere putting together whatever info it wants to process.It was a weird weird place. I started to come down. So I took another big hit. Which is harder than you'd think. My breathing became more dense and harder. I can feel my chest getting really raspy. Seeing toxins and pretty much smoke and garage trucks running through me. Government type thing purposely trying to gas us out. Do harm and evil to our bodies. Impurities to cleansing ourselves.There really is a force out there trying to wear and change and fuck with our body. To really realize this is my body and I can still take out all these toxins and harmful things in my body. It's not too late.I saw almost like alien beings starring over top of me like viewing and studying me. Almost like a rat is used for testing shit.Yeah fuck smoking. Seriously. Fuck it.Start my healing now.My chest is still hurting...
Posted in: DMT