by on January 26, 2020
Okay so, I want to share this experience as a means of relieving the negative and confusing feelings it gave me (or maybe I gave to myself) and also make a statement of agreement to Terrence McKenna, and specifically his talk about the importance of set and setting when taking psychedelics.
The plan for the night was to gather up some friends and take MDA and talk about how we feel.Me, my girlfriend, 2 girl friends and another male friend of mine. That friend of mine, brought with him one tab of LSD and shared it with me, in addition to the MDA we all took(so I was tripping with half an LSD tab and a regular MDA dosage).Everything was really cool at first, nice and cosy...but then I noticed some peculiar behaviour from that friend of mine..He was sitting next to me and he was really close( as it tends to happen with the positive feelings of MDA)..We started having a conversation about the origin of earth and humanity and evolution of the species and even dinosaurs..and then went to the subject of consciousness and the human experience. He had tried psychedelics many times before and he had felt that connection with everything..As I had. The difference with him, is that at some point on his theory, he found that he is no human.
He believes that as humans reached this point in evolving their consciousness.He reached his own too, but he believes he is something else..He described that something as a parasite..He believes he is living by sapping the energy of the people around him (and the horrifying thing for me was that I felt it before he said it).I am not the type of person who will force his ideologies on other people, but I feel that he based his theory on insecurities( bundled perhaps with the "wrong" kind of psychedelic experiences).He told me himself that he had tried psychedelics only at parties and with unknown people.That kind of conversation really shook me down to my core.I have found my purpose in life to be inspiring and motivating people to find their own purposes and dreams. And I had never had a conversation involving psychedelics where someone had this kind of experience..My mind was thinking about that trip for like 3 days.I really need some insight from you guys here.
Posted in: Other Psychedelics